Is machine assisted divination possible?

No.13813490 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello tech-support, hope you chaps are looking after yourselves.

I'd rather not go to /x/ with this inquiry, because they literally don't know what's real.
But given we accept the premises that human behavior is at least, as an aggregate, predictable when you have enough of their personal data, could a large enough network of information be leveraged by a machine to make a prediction of the future?

I've been told that Stockbrokers have been using computers to predict patterns in stock fluctuations for years; would this essentially mean that we're already being ruled by "machine assisted divination", or that this isn't such a big deal, and that a program with access to enough enough personal information on enough people's daily habits, responses and realtime activities (say, you linked it up to the phone network; easily done, right?).

I mean, is this essentially what Project Dragonfly is?
My limited understanding is that such a feat wouldn't even really be so hard on a programming level, at least compared to the logistics of getting a smartphone on everybody's hand, and the global network to cover it; and that job was done years ago.

I mean, is Facebook and this "Meta" shit going to spearhead "Web 3.0"?

I'm so anxious about things I'm not equipped to understand that I might actually shit.
I don't even know if I should buy Silver or Monero.