No.13813092 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /sci/ I'll be honest I've been lurking on your board for quite a while now. Y'all talk about some fairly interesting shit from time to time, but I cannot help but notice the never ending obsession your IQ score. It seems no matter what endeavor y'all undertake you must always mention your IQ or ask what the other persons was, and I partly understand why. IQ is the #1 predictor of long term life success, but you know what the #2 predictor is, conscientiousness.

IQ is great and all but if you have absolutely zero consciousness or have never worked to try and improve it you'll only be able to use your beeg brain to neet more efficiently. We sort of already innately know this as humans, those of us who are very intelligent but somewhat lazy have a chance to be successful, those of us who are not very intelligent but work very hard also have a chance to be successful albeit a lower one, but those of us who work hard and are intelligent are almost guaranteed to be successful. I say almost because we don't live in a perfect world, there are always exceptions, but to me it seems the best thing to do if your smart but lazy is to work on your conscientiousness, but go ahead and tell me why I'm a midwit or whatever. I suppose I do fall into what I've seen referred to as the "Second midwit trap"

My IQ = 152; since I know y'all will ask