MMP Thread

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The Mystical Metaphysical Number system.

>Omnia quaecunq a primaeua rerum natura constructa sunt, Numerorum videntur ratione formata. Hoc enim fuit principale in animo Conditoris Exemplar

> All things (which from the very first originall being of thinges, have bene framed and made) do appeare to be Formed by the reason of Numbers. For this was the principall example or patterne in the minde of the Creator
- Anitius Boetius, as Quoted by John Dee in Billingsleys Euclide Elements

To discern nature, is to discern the true natural character of Number. In physics today, the structure called "The reals" is deployed.

Here are the Facts
> The reals only care about accuracy, they do not care about exactness.
They just '. . .' away the question
> imcommensurable magnitudes are treated the same as commensurable magnitudes
sqrt(2), Pi, and e cannot be stored as a constant. At best they are procedures that can be iterated to a determined precision.
> Approximations are only rated on their precision, not their ability to isomorphically fractal implode
sqrt(2) = 1.414... => Zoom 10, jump 4, zoom 10 jump 1, zoom 10, jump 4. Is this not isomorphical fractal implosion
sqrt(2) = 1 + 24/60 + 51/(60^2) + 10/(60^3) = 1.41421296296296296 => zoom 1000 jump 296, zoom 1000 jump 296. This is perfect isomorphic fractal implosion. And is not considered special at all in the Reals

The Goal of MMP is too achieve a numerical system that mirrors most closely that of reality. As Buckminster fuller once said, How many digits does nature compute of Pi before she gives up and produces a fake bubble.