>>13811256ADHD is real in the sense that you don't have enough dopamine to complete the tasks you are assigned.
Whether or not it's YOU being bored or the TASKS being boring, I'm not sure.
All I know is there's a bigger interest gap between recreational stimuli and quotidian tasks than ever.
>1950"Boy Jimmy, after you fill out those 12 mee-ath questions from the textbook, why we oughta go to play cards!" (About equivalently interesting tasks).
>2021"Brayden, get your post-doctoral dissertation draft regarding Nebraskan Squicklepea Hydrodimorphesis uploaded to Dropbox. You're almost done with all 25 years of your higher education! After that you and I'll go smoke some Delta 8, play Call of Duty 7, and then watch TikTok while gooning.
(HUGE discrepancy in task reward, disinclining one to complete the less 'fun' task.)
>Source: my massive fucking brain