should I start over, from scratch?

No.13810388 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>have impeccable academic record and graduate in the top 1% of the country
>get admitted for Bsc at a top school abroad but defer due to finances and the fact that with 2 extra years of work I could secure a government scholarship anyways
>get filtered by 2 years of prepa and 3 years of Engineering school
In the past 5 years, I had brief moments where my old intelligence surfaced back. Considering that university is more about relentless grinding and imposing self discipline than actual wits, I fucked myself over. I'm 4 months away from graduating, and my GPA (I'm converting, I'm not american) is subpar at best (3.3/3.4 considering grade deflation, or that could just be my cope) so there's no hope of pursuing a masters in a respectable establishment, and my school even if it is top tier in my shithole, won't get my foot in any respectable entry level position. Therefore, I am faced with the choice between: settling and facing the consequences of my own midwittery, irresponsibility and laziness, or the delusional thought of starting over.
Thing is, my current diploma is in software engineering so starting over seems counter intuitive and would paint me as the perpetual student on my resume.