No.13809253 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In this thread we summarize our experiences with education. I'll start:

>Ok kids, everybody go play with toys and have fun.

Elementary school
>Long ago, everybody believed the Earth was flat so a man named Christopher Columbus set sail to prove the Earth was round. Everybody has to make a recreation of his boat using wood and any models that aren't incredible will receive a poor grade.

Middle School
>Nobody loves you, you're going to die alone, if you don't smoke weed then you are stupid. Everybody must now solve 70 math problems per night for homework, each math problem of the 70 is exactly the same but with different numbers. Just remember soh cah toa and the quadradic formula.

High school
>Ok did everybody do the reading?
The class: No!
>Ok then time to take a quiz, the first question on the quiz is this, what was the name of the protagonist's brother's dog's chew toy?

College Part 1:
>Kill yourself, nobody loves you. Ok class, now it's time to study the most useless math and science ever and then quiz you on things we didn't even go over in class at all.

College Part 2:
>Here's why your major is racist, and tomorrow's quiz is about how we can get Trump out of the White House and various methods for responding to his policies

College Part 3:
>Okay, your first assignment is to download an obscure software that nobody has ever documented and figure out how to use it