So, I've got a problem. I'm trying to balance 2 scales. You have 15 weights. You have 2 of weight A, 2 of weight B, 5 of weight C, and 6 of weight D. You aren't given values for how heavy these weights are. Each side of the scale can only hold 8 weights.
Is there a way to find a balance with the information I've given you by making a series of inequalities, and if you can, what kind of math/logic do I have to use to find my answer? I've spent a long time trying to figure this shit out, and I just can't get it right.
Is there a way to find a balance with the information I've given you by making a series of inequalities, and if you can, what kind of math/logic do I have to use to find my answer? I've spent a long time trying to figure this shit out, and I just can't get it right.