>>13808415One has probably heard of Thalidomide babies, those born without appendages since mommy pooped a morning sickness pill called thalidomide.
Well, it was FDA approved. Well, A certain geometry of it. The bioactive R-Thalidomide. It is the job of a company to maximize profits, and when they found a way to reduce production costs by producing not only the FDA approved R-thalidomide, but equal amounts of the mirror images R and S. They did not hesitate to deploy the technique. S-Thalidomide, was not FDA approved, though it is the same chemical formula.
Moral of the story is there is a HUGE jump, both technically, and profitably speaking. between being able to produce a compound. And mass produce it. Magic 'vaccine' with magic mass production with magic regulatory approval with no liability leaves every incentive to big pharma to cut costs