>>13809080> Are you even aware of who did those studies? And where? And the track record of said people and places? How long have you been on here?
These issues have trampled up and down.
The US government will not sponsor an ivermectin study.
There's no agenda for sure, but nobody can provide a reason why its not being tested with 64 studies with 50000 patients saying there is something there.
No the CDC posts a message saying: Stop using horse medicine.
Although its been used on humans for 50 years.
There's no agenda whatsoever.
Merck won't sponsor a study when asked by the Nobel Laureate who won for Ivermectin research, but will push their own 1.2 billion solution.
>The only thing we really know for sure so far is it doesn’t work near as good as the vaccines. Which is why there’s been feet dragging to study it further, it isn’t very promisingThere is an 86% efficacy as a prophylactic.
613 scientists are telling you this
50 000 patients in the studies are telling you this.
Every fucin Ivermectin study gets dismissed.
There is no agenda. Its all fabrication.
When you reason like you do, I'm not suspicious I become positively paranoid.