>>13805248The empirical realities of it are not "refutable," i.e., at the very least, there exists a thing called an IQ test, you can administer this test to two groups of people, one black and one white, and you will find the scores make up two distinct bell curves with different means and standard deviations, with the black bell curve being smaller than the white one in almost every case.
There are two bits of epistemological hair-splitting you can do here, though:
>What is an IQ test and what does doing poorly on it imply>What causes the differential in IQ testing.You can see that the first is sort of a standard social science argument, demanding that the IQ test in some way gets acknowledged as meaningless as a metric. The second one is more interesting IMO, as whether or not genetics is the cause of the IQ differential or environment (and what is the full definition of environment) and also how all those factors interplay is a pretty meaningful question in biology, IMO.