No.13803368 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone tell me how SpaceX is allowed to build their rocket facility in the middle of a protected nature preserve? How much did Elon Musk and SpaceX pay off Texas and the federal government to allow them to launch and blow up rockets next to the Mexican border in a habitat home to many endangered species like the Ocelot, Northern Aplomado Falcon, Gulf Coast jaguarundi, Piping plover, and five species of sea turtles that use the adjacent beaches for nesting? Why isn't the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and Texas Parks & Wildlife doing anything to protect this habitat? Now Musk wants to launch Super heavy boosters with Starship from Boca Chica which will be the biggest rockets ever. Before Musk gets his way however the FAA must review:
>1) public safety issues (such as overflight of populated areas and payload contents); 2) national security or foreign policy concerns; 3) insurance requirements for the launch operator; and 4) potential environmental impact

Here is where we can come in and make a difference. The FAA has released a draft PEA and invites you to submit your comments and concerns by November 1st. You can read more about it here:

Common Sense Skeptic has also released a brilliant video about this:

Hopefully the FAA will listen to the public especially the deeply concerned locals including the large local BIPOC population and Native American tribes and kick these motherfuckers out of Boca Chica.