Philosophical Depression in males

No.13802682 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One might foolishly think that depression is all the same. This is what the medical industry thinks. The profit based corporation uses their medical industry doctors to sell meds that fix a chemical inbalance. This may work for those with some kind of organic development of their depression. OR it will give some people the motivation to actually kill themselves. I believe this is because these people's critical reasoning and high consciousness (both MUCH MUCH MUCH greater than the pathetic industry doctor) results in them developing philosophical despair.
I theorize that prescribing these people sex and cocaine will completely cure them. I am extremely confident in this.
The sex will satisfy complex hormones in their brain which were severely atrophied and the micro doses of cocaine will then empower that revitalization for a long time.
How do I get this treatment approved?
are there any scientists who are willing to help me get this revolutionary cure tested?