No.13802484 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Aquarians are ruled by Uranus, which is the planet of invention, innovation, space travel and aerodynamics. In short - they are like mad professors! Aquarians not only want to save the world, but they’ve got the engineering and intellectual smarts to actually have a plan on how to do it too.
>ASSERTIVE (read: obstinate)
Not one for "going with the flow", Aquarians make their own mind up and then stick to it. You can not cajole or persuade them from their viewpoint, unless you've got *evidence* i.e. data, facts, peer-reviewed analysis.
Aquarian queen Oprah Winfrey
>ANALYTICAL (read: detached)
Aquarians live (quite happily thank you) largely in their own head. Dissecting knowledge, deconstructing conventions, dreaming up dreams, thinking about outer space (seriously). You could be telling them your dog is dead, and they are looking at you but their face is blank. *SPOILER* they're not listening, they're thinking about the cosmos.
>ORIGINAL (read: eccentric)
This sign is the like the "eccentric professor" of the zodiac. Thinking outside of the box? What box? They are innovative and unique, they can dream up schemes and ideas the rest of us simply cannot. They also often wear really weird clothes or have bizarre hair dos. In our society, this typically marks them out as the eccentric of the group.
>inb4 source