Climate change is faux science

No.13802070 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This new cult of man-made climate change is the new Church. Those "scientists" produce false results for the politicians that pay them.

Here is the qrd:

>There is a planetary scale change going on that is inevitable. This is totally normal, the planet has its cycles. It cannot possibly be man made. Humans are like ants to the planet.
>The increase in solar radiation is due to atmospheric retraction. This is also causing vegetation changes and an increase in severe weather events.
>Man produced CO2 does not have a significant impact in what is to come. The main drivers of atmospheric composition are the gasses dissoluted in the sea water, and also vulcanism in the past.

Why is "climate hysteria" being pushed in MSM:
>The West is done for. They can't allow China to sell cheaper products in their markets. Green tech gives the West a temporary advantage.
>The suicidsl move to kill petrol is just economic warfare against certain producer countries like Russia, Venezuela and by extension, Iran.

And this is all there is to it.