>>13802663This meme format was started by the online amateur Paleo-art (prehistoric animal art) community making fun of the "shrink-wrapping" (where the dinosaurs have very little muscle) trend in dinosaur depictions in the mid 90's to early 2000's. Turns out a good chunk of them are the same people that feel the need to remind people that "Velociraptors actually had feathers" whenever Jurassic Park comes up. They ended up making a lot of really bad examples, like using bones and skeletons with very obvious muscle insertions. Then it became popular and even worse examples were made
A while back a similar thing came out, where they drew or photoshopped modern animals without their mouth cheeks or lips, since the debate on dinosaur lips and mouth cheeks was big. This one was even worse because they could only really show big differences in mammals. Otherwise it resulted in slightly toothier reptiles (no one did it on birds since they have beaks)