Good number of citations / year

No.13798347 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's a good number of citations for the first year in a paper life cycle these days?

I was under the impression that even ~3 is actually pretty good (especially since my field is relatively low impact with IF ~6 being our top journal) which is corroborated by studies like pic related, but now I feel like a fucking retard /sci/ because now I'm guessing that with the internet people get a lot more citations than in the past? For my masters paper it was 1 then we got 4 in the second year and 59 in the third. Today my adviser asked many how many cites our first PhD paper got and I proudly proclaimed 7 like a retard thinking this was good for the first year and that it would end up at least 70-80 in 5 years (which is the minimum he needs to bump his h-index), and he just said "Ah, that's too bad" so apparently it's a shit paper.

Anyway, what's a good number of citations / year in your field in the modern day? I guess these days it's double digits minimum for most fields?