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Hey dudes, just a quick neurology question related to a dream I had and relating to the way the brain stores memories. I had a dream the other day and I was making a pizza (I like pizza stfu bich) and I noticed something about the package of the pizza, I'm curious if this relates to the way that I perceive the world or how the brain itself functions. Anyways, I noticed that things regarding the actual physicality of the pizza, the shape, temperature, texture of the wrapping and frozen cheese under the wrap, but when I looked at the label, it was a green piece of paper with white text on it. Is this because I see all pizza as fundamentally the same regardless of the brand (it's cheese bread and tomato sauce how hard could it be to screw it up) or is it because the brain is not good at storing actual imagery (think: photos like a camera) but is more efficient in spatial and conceptual memory? I'm guessing this one is more likely the case since you don't remember every little thing that you saw throughout the day yesterday.