Rational numbers are not real.
Irrational numbers are not real.
Negative numbers are not real.
Complex numbers are not real.
Real numbers are not real.
The number of pixels on your monitor/screen is not measured in fractions, roots or negative numbers. It's a plain old fashioned integer that toddlers learn. The distance from Earth to Mars is not measured in Pi or functions, it's expressed in positive integers of a given value. The chemical composition of an apple is broken down into elements all containing protons, neutrons and electrons which are measured with positive integers.
Mathematics is Jewish mysticism.
Irrational numbers are not real.
Negative numbers are not real.
Complex numbers are not real.
Real numbers are not real.
The number of pixels on your monitor/screen is not measured in fractions, roots or negative numbers. It's a plain old fashioned integer that toddlers learn. The distance from Earth to Mars is not measured in Pi or functions, it's expressed in positive integers of a given value. The chemical composition of an apple is broken down into elements all containing protons, neutrons and electrons which are measured with positive integers.
Mathematics is Jewish mysticism.