No.13794677 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A couple of years ago, I went on a crash diet to lose a lot of weight rapidly. Basically I was eating only once a day for 3 months.
I ended up looking mildly anorexic and I had to stop, because I was getting symptoms like a constant irregular heartbeat, weakness and dizziness. Probably caused by electrolyte imbalance.
All my symptoms stopped after I started eating normally again, except my now new friend Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).
It's been 2 years and although it has improved significantly, I still have some symptoms and I'm afraid I've done some permanent damage and RLS won't leave.
Doctor had me checked for blood iron levels (ferritin) but they came out normal. I told him about the crash diet but he dismissed it but I'm pretty sure he is wrong.

Any way to cure this?