So, solipsism. Science will always favor the theory with the fewest assumptions otherwise we run into as hoc hypothesis like flat earth, and solipsism is unique in that it makes no assumptions. Solipsism states that from the perspective of the observer, only the consciousness is real and nothing else can be proven because the senses can't be proven. Science favors solipsism because it makes no assumptions, but because solipsism implies that there is no proof for anything, then all scientific hypothesis is invalid. Then I thought, if it doesn't really matter how many assumptions we make to create scientific models, then couldn't we theoretically create a working flat earth model and use that instead without anyone being the wiser? Like, all the inconsistencies (like the earth actually looking like a sphere to astronauts could be explained away with ad hoc like "Oh, it just looks round because the human eye tricks us into thinking that", or something). And why do most people believe in scientific hypothesis at all if they can just believe in ad hoc bullshit and live their lives just fine? After all, they never saw these "magnetic waves" floating through the air, so our phones are just using psychic AI. You know, I'm starting to think that humanity just lives in one giant hivemind or something. WOULDN'T IT BE WACKY IF EVERYTHING WE BELEIVED IN WAS ONLY SO REAL TO US BECAUSE SUCH BELEIFS WERE SMASHED INTO US BY THE HIVEMIND SINCE BIRTH LOLOLOL! Oh, whoops, wrong board, this isn't /x/.