>>13789442There is no intrinsic need for the animals we eat to suffer, and in first world countries with proper animal welfare laws they don't. All living things must some day die, but a free range cow that peacefully roams with its herd while being protected from disease, hunger and predators before being granted an instantaneous, painless death gets a better deal (on its terms) than most people, let alone wild animals.
The psychopathic torture "research" alleged to have been funded by the beloved St. Anthony is certainly hell for the animals in question, which is already reason enough to prohibit it under all but the most extreme circumstances, if not totally, nevermind the consequences for humanity if the "insights" gained were to be weaponized against people by bad actors.
The two situations are therefore clearly not just disanaloguous, but practically polar opposites; if you really cared about animal suffering, you would not be here countersignalling efforts to end this egregious animal abuse just so you can soapbox about the supposed hypocrisy of those who don't fall for your harebrained vegan talking points.