>>13786565Let me see: it seems to me that chimpanzees and bonobos DO NOT have the power to magically modify themselves beyond their innate capacities (meaning, we do not see them creating anything human-like).
It also seems to me that people from Africa DO NOT have the capacity to develop western-like civilizations (or apparently independently discover the wheel for that matter).
It also seems to me that any understanding that western nations of have of any field (take any scientific field, physics, biology etc) is very imperfect/limited. For example, there's an endless number of diseases which doctors have no idea how to cure (and I really mean endless).
It also seems to me that subjects like AI, Machine Learning and all that jazz are vastly overhyped. We will definitely have self-driving cars in 20 years, but to get from that to a thinking computer is quite an enormous stretch.
So, what emerges from this list of facts? It's almost as if the capacities of a living organism, are inherently limited by the traits it has developed through evolution, and the Chinese are no exception to this rule. Will they go beyond what the West can do? Maybe. That depends on whether they are more capable than the west or not. Surely, they're convinced that they are (they are very arrogant after all), and they could be right.
Will the Chinese create super humans by messing with DNA? Let me think: a brain, which is the result of billions of years of evolution vs evolution itself....I think chances are that if they're messing with that, it will backfire badly. Something like that is bound to be infinitely complex compared to the limited complexity the human brain can handle.....almost like trying to fight god or something.....or like trying to fight evolution by attempting to live infinitely...it probably wont work.
That's just my hunch though.