Low IQ people can't imagine or think of examples

No.13785144 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I vaguely remember reading a study or a video talking about a study that tried to assess LA convicts, low IQ, ability to imagine. It would ask them some questions, like:
>John has an apple, and Jane has no apples. If John gave Jane the apple, how many apples would Jane have?
And they would answer something like
When asked why, they would say
>John has the apple.
>Yeah, but if he gave it to Jane, how many apples will Jane have?
And they would have just a hard time thinking about it.
This is a very vague memory of the topic, but I remember reading it somewhere or watching it.

They would just have a hard time thinking about hypotheticals or answering them correctly.

Because, just now, I was talking to my dad about warranties and coverage services some companies give, where they would sell you an item slightly more expensive for more years in warranty, and asked
>If there is a company that sells the warranty after you bought the product-
>That doesn't exist.
>Yeah, but if-
>No, no. That is impossible. I never saw a store or company do that.
>Yeah, yeah. Sure. But if a company-
>If doesn't mean it's real.

It was rather frustrating, but it made me think of that study. I tried looking it up but couldn't find it.