>>13784803The souls birth time is precalculated prior to incarnation to give the being the maximum support for their life's work and mission. Souls are identical on the inside but it takes on the physical or etheric body that will best serve its life's mission. There are people who incarnated from the Angelic realm called Incarnated angels, they are those beings who have taken on a semi-human form to impact the material world from this dense level. Some angels incarnate briefly to for instance, rescue a human who is in trouble. Other angels incarnate for one or more lifetimes. They are men, women and children of extraordinary beauty with sweet, heart-shaped faces and cupid lips. They tend to be heavy-set or struggle with weight because this earth environment is among the harshest in the galaxy system. Angels tend to put weight on to buffer themselves from the negative energy upon the planet and also because they absorb negative energy from others, since they usually put themselves in earthly situations that promote the absorption of negative energy. They become professional helpers working as nurses, teachers, flight attendants, therapist, and such. Even if they are not employed as helpers they are put in the position of helper frequently. Strangers pour out there heart to them saying there is just something that makes me feel I can trust you. Yet the flip side is, their love lives are often in shambles as they fall in love with everyone they meet. Therefore, they may marry humans who are inappropriate partners. They are usually Fire signs. Elementals like incarnated fairies, leprechauns, gnomes etc are usually Earth signs and Starpeople are typically Air signs. Starpeople are extraterrestrial, meaning that they haven't incarnated on earth much if ever.