China is a funny place

No.13784541 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>That time China purposely lead Japanese soldiers to populated Chinese villages and cities because raping and murdering would slow the Japanese down by 1 day
>That time a guy couldn't pass a test so decided to say he was Jesus Christs brother, every Christian told him to fuck off but he started a war in China that lead to 40 million people dead
>That time Chinese rebels ate 50k people
>That time China passed a law that if you are late for work you will be put to death so a general that was late for work decided to start a rebellion destroying the dynasty
>That time china killed all the birds which lead to locusts swarms eating everyone food killing 20 million people
>That time China told farmers to melt down all of their farming tools for iron which was too brittle to use and lead to 20 million people dying
>That time China purposely destroyed their own damn killing 1 million chinese citizens in order to kill 200 japanese soldiers