What counts as eugenics and what doesn't?

No.13783021 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm thinking of getting a vasectomy once I'm old enough to legally get one. The reason being is that I have assburgers, and even though I live a fairly happy and healthy life, it's totally possible that should I have biological children, they could inherit a far more disabled form of autism. I'm concerned I could spawn another Christian Chandler on this planet, fortunately I'm high functioning enough to the point I don't even qualify for something like his tugboat disability check. I really don't want my child to do shit like draw retarded Sonic/Pokémon fanfiction comics and get bashed by internet trolls for 15 years in a row, I would like to do my part to prevent this from happening.

I'm making the decision to withdraw myself from the gene pool on purpose; I don't hate myself or autistic people at all, but in my case, I think I'm being (sort of?) "merciful" because I don't want to bring unnecessary suffering to the human race. I'd like to adopt a child from an orphanage in the far future, maybe in 10 or 15 years.

Does this count as eugenics? I have heard in high school it's 20th century pseudoscience, but I'd like to know what /sci/ can tell me about the subject.