>>13779829It's hardly a matter of whether it's possible or not. It's a matter of humanity's inherent inability to care for anything not within their lifetimes. We will eventually kill ourselves. Whether or not we get fusion energy and artificial intelligence first is almost non-trivial, because it seems like we will never have peace, not in our time and maybe not any time. People murder, rape, and steal. People who are retarded brainlets, people who are prodigious, they all fall prey to greed, hatred, and sin. It's It's, and I really hate to be so pessimistic, because the technological advances we've made in just the last decade or two have really changed everything for good. I truly hope its for the best, but the realist in me looks around and all I see is selfishness, hunger for power, bringing fire to nature,, and people rolling dice on other's lives.