I'm starting a general, and if you want to contact me my email is : TheWormed@protonmail.com
I am currently working on creating a worm human hybrid supersoldier, by replacing blood with worm Erythrocruorin the oxygen carrying capacity per cc of blood triples because only 30% of a RBC's volume is hemaglobin, whereas a cell free oxygen carrier like Erythrocruorin is 100% functional material, meaning by increasing my hemacrit levels to 70% and replacing my RBC's with Erythrocruorin, my oxygen carrying capacity will have increased ~500%.
the erythrocruorin will also be reconstituted and the Fe (ii) ion in the heme group replaced with a more Electronegative transition metal Cr (ii) to enhance oxygen saturation speeds so that i extract 100% of inhaled oxygen rather than 25%.
here are some sources
a transition metal ion substitution and reconstitution protocol for heme
extraction method of ultra pure erythrocruorin from earth worms
general biophysical properties related to erythrocruorin
the eventual goal of this project is to enhance my athletic abilities to never before seen levels. these abilities may include but are not limited to;
>Endurance enhancement
>Blood loss resistance
>Enhanced metabolic efficiency
>carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide poisoning immunity
>low oxygen atmosphere resistance
I will extract the erythrocruorin from approximately 70-80 kgs of earth worm
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>>13775518 Dude just go to the bathhouse, rim some gay dudes. You’ll be crawling with hookworms, threadworms, roundworms, tapeworms in no time, ringworm too if you’re lucky.
Will I finally be able to build muscle?
>>13775551 Along with the ncor1 down regulation in muscle cells I have planned yes
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>>13775518 >replacing blood with worm Erythrocruorin Will you still be able to get a boner?
>>13775518 excellent, please explain more.
Will this be continual process whereby new blood created by the body is removed and replaced or are you seeking to get the body to create its own?
What colour will your blood be?
If worm blood truly is like unicorn jizz how come you never see worms dead lifting and surrounded by hot babes?
>>13775577 Eventually I'd like to engineer bone marrow to produce it's own, and it's colour would be bright aqua when deoxygenated and deep Indigo while oxygenated
>>13775582 and in what sort of time scale can we expect to start witnessing the fruits of your labour?
>>13775586 Maybe 3-6 months till I make a small sample and inject it
>>13775518 You better be careful about not fucking up your natural methylation systems.
And if your Erythrocruorin gets methylated, will it's oxygen still be free use? Surely that extra OH H pair could get jacked during a methylation interaction with free CH3 in the human body.
I'd suggest to make sure you get something like
https://www.thorne.com/products/dp/methyl-guard-reg BUT even with that supplement to help you out, I'm afraid an over abundance of free methyl groups would hinder the Erythrocruorin's ability to give you that extra oxygen*
*Where you actually need it to go
So there's a chance you fuck up your internal respiration functions, by making non-viable erythrocruorin (which would be a different molecule at that point anyway)
And a risk that you fuck up your body's regular methylation needs, by having your magic Erythrocruorin steal off your free CH3.
At a glance, I don't think you can solve for this by supplement alone. You will absolutely need to monitor all internal systems that rely on methylation, as you introduce erythrocruorin into your body. (I wouldn't do this all at once, even if you think you're sure about it.)
Start small, and increase dosage, homedawg.
Fucking up methylation can probably give you all kinds of really unwanted side effects that probably all lead down a road to autoimmune issues.
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>>13775518 >>13775626 erythrocruorin + SAMe = what
"CH3 is provided to the body through a universal methyl donor known as SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine). SAMe readily gives away its methyl group to other substances in the body,"
I hope you know the SAMe + Wormblood interactions already
>>13775626 Nah erythrocruorin is more resistant to erythrocruorin than hemaglobin and it can be prevented with antioxidants like Astaxanthin
>>13775518 Is the molecular weight of E. significantly higher than hemoglobin?
I feel like there must be some issue with this.
How the hell are you going to get the oxygen back off of this thing?
I can understand how it will help you capture it, but I'm not convinced that it will be usable.
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>>13775677 Yes it's much higher, it's basically 100 hemaglobin molecules stuck together in a ball, and easy it has its own release mechanism that relies on calcium ions in the blood instead of carbonate or CO2 like humans, but they've tested it in animals and it works perfectly fine
>>13775518 Wouldn't that much oxygen make you age prematurely ?
Sports with W O R M E D athletes would be really entertaining though.
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bumping schizo tread
BigFemaleSmallMale !!+L0aIjRAFci
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Someone's been watching futurama lol
>>13775771 No, the oxygen isn't in an unbound dissolved form like in oxygen toxicity
>>13775518 apart from possible immunological shocks the increased partial pressure of oxygen in your blood might lead to symptoms similar to oxygen toxicity that divers can suffer from.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_toxicity Also, you need to get better results than hypobaric therapy (e.g. living on mountains) that some marathon runners use for your endeavour to be significant.
Then be very sure that your worm-extract is totally clean. Otherwise immunological shock will be certain. Slightest impurities in your extract will trigger that.
If the above things havent killed you, the following might: Like haeme, this compound is a strong chelator. It will bind ions in your body that are bivalent. Important as cofactors for enzymes and your osmotic equilibrium. I suppose your subastance is a much more potent chelator than haeme. Maybe research, what injecting EDTA would to to you to reserach potential side effects.
Otherwise I salute your brave and retarded contribution. The question is how can you document the effect if it kills you? Maybe live-stream it on Twitch?
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>>13775518 Someone has been playing too much Earthworm Jim
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>>13775518 Most based thread on /sci right now. Godspeed wormanon
>>13776022 Wrong see
>>13775794 Bound oxygen is not the same thing as free dissolved oxygen in serum
>>13776096 ok what about every other argument you monkey?
This is the reason I browse 4chan
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>>13776166 Fuck off Satan, and hurry up with the stabbycide of your children you lazy kunt.
>>13775518 Have you discussed with the grinder community? Supersoldiers are of great interest, pic. related.
>>13776022 Expertise can be found in the oddest places...
>>13776166 True.
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>>13776158 Literally one of the sources I gave was a protocol for ultrapure erythrocruorin, it shows no immune rejection
>>13775518 Your body will detect it as foreign objects. You'll get inflation at best or blocked arteries at worst.
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I am watching your efforts with great interest, OP
>>13775518 >Erythrocruorin So what are the chances athletes already use this as a form of doping? It tests are not specifically looking for this, it might not be seen in doping tests.
>>13778579 You'd definitely see under a microscope
>>13778596 Are the samples viewed under microscope of just run through a machine to do a battery of tests?
>>13778645 They are run through a microscope
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>>13778579 Marathon runners sometimes smuggle oxygen filled blood of their own and inject them in restrooms.
>>13775595 >till I make a small sample and inject it Do you have a volunteer already? Or are you planning to revive the time-honoured tradition of carrying out experiments on the mad scientist himself first?
>>13778673 OK. So how would blood doped this way appear in a microscope?
>>13780393 I mean for starters it'd be blue kek
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>>13775518 You're keeping good notes and will try to publish, right?
Or, at the very least, distribute your paper here? Journals will probably whine about "ethical concerns" or something and not want to take it, plus costs can be retarded.
>>13775518 This man MUST be stopped, he will doom humanity to millennia of tyranny
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>>13780726 Nah we're fast-tracking the Dune future.
Demigod war is in about 80 years, followed immediately by the bootleg Butlerian Jihad, and then humanity is already on the Golden Path after that point because there's no prescience to overcome.
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>>13780726 >t. jew shaking in his boots OP IS THE NEW HITLER
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bumping for based thread.
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Honestly based if true, godspeed you beautiful crazy bastard
OP if true, add a trip code and keep us updated
>>13775518 Is that picture real can worms that exist ???
>>13775525 Wait, how are you extracting the Erythrocruorin? Are you going to run the worms through a juicer?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13781048 I already have one just forgot hahah
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13781201 Basically yes, blending about 80kgs of worms and purifying the erythrocruorin with ultracentrifuge
>>13781206 So where are you at so far?
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bump and i farm worms in a box, comfy hobby
>>13781147 i saw a giant worm under a rock i lifted in the woods in germany, it was fucking huge. almost like pic rel but not so long. thickness was like that.
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13781481 About 100 grams , umpure
>>13775518 if you don't call it Project Jim we will all be dissapoint
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13781810 I don't know what the project name is, something cool, based in mythology and relevant
>>13775518 *blocks your path*
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13781908 Ivermectin has literally nothing to do with earth worms
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>>13781147 not to alarm you, but they're in you right now....
>>13781928 >Ivermectin has literally nothing to do with earth worms >That tripcode Nice try Jim.
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>>13780467 >blue Easy: claim royal lineage. Bazinga!!
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>>13775518 How do you intend to measure and test for enhancements in aerobic fitness?
>>13781899 Project Earthworm Jim
When can I too become a human worm hybrid?
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>>13782576 eat every worm you see, no exceptions. sleep in a tub of mulch for extra gains!
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>>13781585 Can't you just buy worms to speed things up? Why waste even one day as a regular human when you could be a worm supersoldier instead
>>13780726 Wow don't read the wikipedia plot summaries of books 4-8. Any suspension of disbelief or seriousness held for this story will disappear.
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>>13781585 Post a pic of the stuff, keep us anons interested.
>>13783171 >books 4-8 Frank only wrote 5.
>>13783295 4 and 5 are also trash
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>>13781899 checked and what mythology do you prefer?
SGT Wormed One tell me and i will find a good name
>>13775518 Sounds interesting but I'm not going to read all those sources so I have a few premise questions concerning the biochemistry and physiology of this:
1. What is the affinity of erythrocruorin for oxygen, CO and CO2 vs. hemoglobin
2. Without the Bohr effect how do you plan on efficient oxygen distribution
3. If it's more efficient wrt oxygen vs. CO2, how do you plan on perfusing the brain
>>13783422 4 is very good. Not as great as 2 or 3, but very good.
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>>13783514 Adventures of fake Duncan seems lame idk
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anon do you at least have some black market funding from the chinese?
big changoose
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I can blow air for 40 seconds without stopping may i be tested upon?
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>>13775518 Can you make a youtube channel documenting your great scientific endevours.
God speed wormanon
>>13777192 >grinder community Why would fags care about this stuff? Isn't chemsex enough?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13783471 >I'm lazy spoon feed me the post Lol I gave you the sources
>>13783845 How do you stop an immune reaction against the E once you inject it?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13783857 It's also in the sources, pure erythrocruorin is non immunogenic
>>13783868 How will you prevent oxygen toxicity?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13783933 Not a thing lol, oxygen toxicity is caused by unbound oxygen dissolved in serum not bound oxygen to a oxygen carrier
>>13783952 Oh. Why wouldn’t it still be the same as hyperventilating?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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Can we avoid doing the Butlerian Jihad tho ? I really like vidya.
>>13775518 Mix a few radioactive isotopes and you'll be unstoppable
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13784072 Actually that's one of the future modifications, implantation of a Radioisotope generator connected to a bioengineered organ which can do electrotrophic metabolism and basically do photosynthesis but with electricity and produce glucose and oxygen from CO2 and water in the blood so they don't really need to breathe or eat
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13784072 >>13784147 Preferably a nuclear isomer gammavoltaic battery that way energy production is throttle-able for high energy movement
>>13775518 Can you actually make yourself a superhuman in your lifetime? Can you drastically alter your dna while your still alive or do you have to start from scratch
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13784168 No it can be done while you're alive using worms, I won't tell you how but it involves GMO filarial worms
>>13784153 >gammavoltaic battery Why would you want five times less voltage compared to the most promising betavoltaics?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13784183 The gammavoltaic I'm talking about is actually technically in the x-ray spectrum and perovskite cells can convert with 75% efficiency
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13784178 I'll believe it when I see it wormed one
>The sk?lex (Indus worm or the horrible Indian worm), in ancient Greek writings, was a supposed giant, white, carnivorous worm with a large pair of teeth that lived in the Indus River. >Níðhöggr (the 'Dread Biter') and Midgard's Worm were two of the most famous "Worms" in Viking mythology. At the 'still point of the turning world' the Vikings believed the ash tree Yggdrasil bore the weight of the universe. >The stoor worm, or Mester Stoor Worm, was a gigantic evil sea serpent of Orcadian folklore, capable of contaminating plants and destroying animals and humans with its putrid breath. It is probably an Orkney variant of the Norse Jörmungandr, also known as the Midgard Serpent, or world serpent, and has been described as a sea dragon. SOME INSPIRATION FOR THE WORMED ONE
you VILL eat ze wurm you VILL be ze wurm you VILL be happy
>>13775518 >tfw unironic super soldier serum made from…worms…is real Bump
>>13784723 Unironically yes, and this is just the beginning, I have a full list of about 200 condition enhancing genes I have planned to be expressed in the subject, how does 24x specific muscle strength sound, 200% the muscle, bullet resistant skin, wounds that close and heal themselves because of filarial blood worms knitting together flesh and stimulating regeneration Instead of scarring, effectively negligible senescence, 300% nerve propagation speed in both peripheral nervous system and the white matter of the brain, radiation resistance, temperature extreme resistance, nearly unbreakable bones, eyes that can see 3 times as far and in a tenth the light and alot more.
>>13775518 seize your investigation sir
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Post a picture of your worm blood stockpile
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>>13784753 What about reproduction?
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>>13775518 based worm chad
Quick update, Ive decided the project name, Project Galahad, after the perfect Knight from arthurian legend
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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Whoops this is me^^^^
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>>13784753 >I have a full list of about 200 condition enhancing genes List them please, with sources were possible
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>>13777982 >body running out money because of wormblood immigrants >print more money to solve problems >get inflation I am humanitarian
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>>13783471 >1. What is the affinity of erythrocruorin for oxygen, CO and CO2 vs. hemoglobin Something that is not affected by CO will definitely tickle the interest of the military.
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You are either going to die horribly or catapult humanity into the next age Please document this somewhere vaguely public that wont die in a few weeks so I can know when either of those happens
>>13775518 Isolating the Erythrocruorin to a safe purity will be impossibly hard.
Plus, you'd need to repeat the process when your body replaces your blood.
Gene therapy is a way better option for you. Go watch some thought emporium videos. Specifically the ones about lactose intolerance gene therapy he administred successfully.
Also which ever path you take, maybe test it out on rats first?
Hell, if you go with your original erythrocruorin harvesting plan you should trail the replacement on a worm first. If you can't pull that off, stop.
>>13775518 Aren't xenotransfusions tricky as fuck?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13790909 Nah, not with regards to this compound
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OP, I don't say this often but please post in this thread with a trip. I don't want to miss any updates.
Was Horseshoe Crab blood too expensive or something?
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>>13775518 This is all incredibly cool, please dont stop posting updates.
no anon dont do it. stop playing God
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>>13793052 What if God was so disgusted with our current state of affairs that He spoke to him so that humankind can start over, in an unfathomably new way?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13792111 Horse shoe crab blood isn't as efficient as hemaglobin
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>>13783471 >Sounds interesting but I'm not going to read all those sources Anonymous
>>13775518 Imagine sticking that in your butt
>>13793327 Still alive? please report on your progress.
>>13794166 Let me tell you about rectoscopy...
Godspeed Anon, you better keep us updated.
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13794609 >>13794658 Yes I'm still alive I haven't done it yet, still in the planning phase, in the long run I'd like to replace every bone in the human skeleton over time with tantalum based superalloy bones that have a bone marrow core
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13794858 I'm hoping to create a tantalum tungsten manganese alloy with a specific strength similar to titanium, tantalum already being as biocompatible as titanium, and 4 times denser meaning more strength within a smaller spatial volume of displacement within the body, increasing the density of bones 5x should be fine because the dry weight of a skeleton is only 3-5 kgs that's only a extra 12-20kgs of Weight but potentially a 100x increase in skeletal strength, I'll be redesigning the spine to be like the hero shrews spine, and rib cage to have overlapping staggered extensions of the rib so the rib cage is all one big cage without gaps but still the ability to move and flex and have correct intercostal muscles attachments for intercostal breathing
>>13775518 I have some questions:
Why exchange the Iron for Chromium?
Why not just use normal/natural Erythrocruorin?
Won't the exogenous protein elicit an immune response in your body, which would both lead to the inactivation/destruction of the erythrocruorin AND to you being sick, even if only temporarily/reversibly?
Other than that, I like your idea.
But it would be best if you could genetically engineer a mammal/human to have the erythrocruorin gene, so that it would be expressed in the thymus and bone marrow, as to lead to the death/neutralization of immune cells which would react to it.
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13794910 Because chromium oxidizes faster than iron meaning hemaglobin saturates quicker which is useful for high energy requirements because blood pumps so fast it doesn't have time to properly oxidize while on the lungs
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>>13775518 Why not attempt this first on humanized mice?
>>13794858 >in the long run I'd like to replace every bone in the human skeleton over time with tantalum based superalloy bones Currently, and after a lot of research, back bone surgery is high risk with very limited success. Your ambitions are stratospheric. Also I cannot see how any security control would not end up with in depth rectal examination as the metal detectors would scream in terror even before you approached.
On a less dramatic line of thought, it is known that some humans have abnormally strong bones. Perhaps gene editing to express this variant would be handier?
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>>13775518 Wormed. Unworm.
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>>13775518 Sounds like a quick way to get dementia and oxidize yourself to death lmao.
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>>13794866 >and rib cage to have overlapping staggered extensions of the rib so the rib cage is all one big cage without gaps This would make surgery really damn hard.
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>>13783843 There are many grinders around, but the ones I had in mind are the ones doing body mods on themselves. Look up Lepht Anonym if you want to see more.
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13795830 Nah, even the strongest bones are nowhere near strong enough compared to superalloys, and are much less dense so the skeleton inflates and causes mobility issues
>>13796416 How do you replace your own bones? You can't just go to the Hospital and ask them to do it right?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13797120 I'm sure once I'm at that point I'll have enough interest to get it done for me
what do i need to study to arrive at op's powerlevel
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797294 I studied biotechnology majoring in nanotechnology
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797289 I was thinking of changing it to Project Thetis after the mother of Achilles the woman who dipped him in the River Styx and made in invincible, and the individual subjects after modification could be called myrmadons?
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>>13797386 you need to give credit to the worms too. The god emperor is called Leto II Atreides, maybe herbert had some connection to lore.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atreus#Atreides seems like it.
hmm. if i find something interesting i will let you know.
>>13797380 will you test on a small animal, mouse or rat or just all in right away??
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13775518 this is easily the most based anon on /sci/
>>13775518 Test this on a horse and if the results are fruitful start doping up race horses and bet on them indefinitely for gain
>>13797486 Erytropoietin was used for doping for many years before authorities figured out something fishy was going on. They might be looking for more unknowns to appear. A sudden burst in speed will attract attention.
>>13797537 >Erytropoietin was used for doping for many years before authorities figured out something fishy was going on. As long as they're looking for something fishy, you'll be able to slip the worm blood right under their noses.
>>13775518 Just emailed a guy currently studying worm haemoglobin named Jacob Elmer to see if there are any long term negative effects from using it as a blood substitute, I'll mention if he responds
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797675 It's not hemaglobin it's erythrocruorin
>>13797679 I am retarded, forgive me worm god
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797693 It's ok my child, you will join the ranks soon enough
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797693 >>13797717 How does being a 7 foot tall supersoldier with ungodly muscles, tantalum super allow bones, who can bench press 50 times his body weight
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797724 Oh and bullet resistant skin and an implanted quantum nucleonic reactor that removes your requirement to breathe oxygen or eat for energy
>>13797731 I will get some sleep and consider what you have said oh worked one
>>13775518 How will you prevent your immune system from going apeshit? And won't you need regular blood replacement?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13797740 This is only for the test, the long term solution is to have bone marrow produce it in vivo
>>13797745 Dear Worm God,
Do you have a vague road map of what you'll be doing in the coming weeks/months?
Stay based
>>13794866 Quick question worm-sama.
From my limited knowledge excessive osseous strength can become detrimental in the case of injury - where usual trauma would break bone and dissipate the force, high bone density (such as in sites that have healed from prior damage) will resist breakage, thus propagating the energy from the trauma into the local tissue and causing more localized damage. Have you considered this possibility, especially due to the fact that your worm-man project has an explicit goal of being able to resist injury and recover more rapidly (presumably for the purpose of worm-man combat?)
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13797842 Blending worms and getting my erythrocruorin purification method down pack
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13797873 Yeah except their connective tissues will also be stronger too with what I have planned
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>>13797745 Sounds cool worm man.
I’m currently doing research on bone marrow transplantation in mouse models. If you’d like I can put together some key points for the work up of marrow preparation.
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>>13775518 do this on monke first
monke supersoldier army
>>13775518 >Endurance enhancement btw this won't work because endurance is limited by mitochondrial density not availability of oxygen
>>13797724 >>13797731 This sounds like a one way ticked to being drafted into the military. You might trick them into believing it is in your genes so that you will be forced to breed with countless women. Oh the horror.
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>>13798046 Widespread adoption of this hypothetical enhancement would actually lead to eventual obsolescence of militaries. And a lot of other things.
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13797917 >What is oxygen debt Anonymous
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He calls and the worms listen
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>>13775518 Stop Christopher Reeves. Or I'll call Hackman and Cameron to raise the bar and drop it on your head.
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>>13780726 To defeat a God-Emperor....
We need another God-Emperor...
Worm-sama, according to your estimates, what is the probability that the experiment will be a success? Also, what is the probability that Worm-sama leaves the mortal plane during the experiment? All hail
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
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>>13775551 It depends. Do you respond to ibuprofen?
>>13775518 >I am currently working on creating a worm human hybrid supersoldier, by replacing blood with worm Erythrocruorin the oxygen carrying capacity per cc of blood triples because only 30% of a RBC's volume is hemaglobin, whereas a cell free oxygen carrier like Erythrocruorin is 100% functional material, meaning by increasing my hemacrit levels to 70% and replacing my RBC's with Erythrocruorin, my oxygen carrying capacity will have increased ~500%. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJarMGNFw4&list=PLTF9h-T1TcJjdJppplKVsgPWNQ_beElaG&index=15 Please learn some more about dissociation curves. More oxygen carrying capacity isn't always optimal
Tuba Jam
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>>13775551 Woah you're still here! Man, this brings back memories
>>13801920 The oxygen carrying dissociation curve doesn't refer to carrying capacity it refers to oxygen affinity two entirely different concepts, increases in oxygen carrying capacity is ALWAYS beneficial, but yes increasing oxygen affinity isn't good in NORMAL situations, however erythrocruorin relies of completely different allosteric release mechanisms to hemaglobin, much more complex mechanisms and it can effectively transfer and release oxygen against the gradient of oxygen affinity even transfering oxygen from high affinity erythrocruorin to lower affinity myoglobin which would be impossible using hemaglobin, trust me I know all about the oxygen disassociation curve and it literally has no bearing on this situation
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY
>>13802543 >>13802543 Dis me I keep forgetting to put my trip
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>>13775518 Are you sure you're not allergic to worms before trying this?
>>13780726 SIAYNOQ! I BELIEVE!
>>13802545 Are you alone in this project or working with others?
>>13775518 Sounds based as FUCK. Keep us posted
>>13775518 How much do you think you while last without taking a breathe?
do you think this could treat vascular dementia?
TheWormedOne !!+VEoEnxA/RY