No.13775212 ViewReplyOriginalReport
look at this shit.
there is barely any difference in carbon emissions from meat food production to other food production.
It's funny, the many ways in which they attempt to mislead us.

the UNs cop26 report states
>moving to a plant based diet can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%

but in reality it's obviously not true. plant food production would have to increase significantly. it seems unlikely there would be any emissions saving at all, even if everyone on the planet switched to a vegetable diet.
let's say plant food production didn't need to increase, you'd only be looking at a total global emissions reduction of 4%.

Yes, that's correct. According to the UNs own data, if everyone on the planet switched to a 100% plant based diet it would only result in a 4% decrease in global greenhouse gas emissions. At what cost to economies and public health?

Why are they so eager to persecute meat when it seems like an obvious red herring?
Are vegan extremists tainting the field and controlling the narrative?