No.13774664 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hexagons are the way in science and computing
computers are heavily based on spiders. there is no shape better than a hexagon, and the shapes which are useful to hexagons are often used by spiders
they are:
>the most efficient shape :
>can contain either the most area:walling , or walling:area by how it is built
>can be fast or slow in production and in output, in storage, in reserves and, in fail-safes/redundancy checks
>grow outwards and into bigger hexagons, or remain a cluster and act as density over a large area - many other shapes organize into hexagons and can be useful, becoming a part of the hexagon, using the abilities of other shapes
(i like to use squares with hexagons)
>scale inwards as
>>more hexagons are added on top (3D hexagon from a birds-eye view / 2D lines stacking up from side),
>>inbetween (3D from side / 2D above) still as hexagons, going "underneath" the 2D lines whilst still functioning, and remaining separate on that plane
>act as nodes to one-another (1D plot on a graph speaking to another 1D plot, the main/backup-stacking base(s), other hexagons or other parts of the web via association) and scaling once, again, in hexagonal form

there is simply too much i could say about hexagons, to prove why they are superior to every other shape.