Fuck all your fucking units
No.13772073 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13772120 >>13772229 >>13772390 >>13772887 >>13772942
Why don't you thumb-twiddling faggots just set and to something order determined by the details of the quatum gravity theory so that there are NO UNITS at all in nature?
While you're at it, how about fixing the constant to give a natural fucking unit of charge, and boltzmann's constant to give a natural fucking unit of temperature, and the remaining SI units, the mole and the candela, are useless faggot shit.
While you're at it, how about fixing the constant to give a natural fucking unit of charge, and boltzmann's constant to give a natural fucking unit of temperature, and the remaining SI units, the mole and the candela, are useless faggot shit.