So, some time ago, I heard somewhere that the frequency of cat purring is such, that it helps your bones to become stronger. It was probably one of those "fun facts" posts, so the credibility of this information isn't very high, but still, I wonder if there is something true about it.
We had a lesson about acoustics today in Biophysics in medical school. I asked the professor about this and he told me, that he thinks that it's not true, but he wouldn't bet his head on it. I wonder if anyone here knows for sure.
Even if it's not true, do you think that there's a specific sound frequency that can have this effect? My theory is, that if the bone resonates with the sound, it might create microscopic fractures in it, which are then filled with new bone mass, which reinforces the bone as a whole.
We had a lesson about acoustics today in Biophysics in medical school. I asked the professor about this and he told me, that he thinks that it's not true, but he wouldn't bet his head on it. I wonder if anyone here knows for sure.
Even if it's not true, do you think that there's a specific sound frequency that can have this effect? My theory is, that if the bone resonates with the sound, it might create microscopic fractures in it, which are then filled with new bone mass, which reinforces the bone as a whole.