>>13772294Of course, with up to 6 guys in the room, statistically over enough a long enough time, eye contact may be made - just by sheer chance.
Most of the time it was brushed off, treated with as much apathy and nonchalance as a splash from here, or over there. Very occasionally though, the lads sometimes had a bit of friendly competition going as an aside to the main event. A staredown during the fap night. First one break eye contact/look away loses this little side game. You know how it is, young men with rising T levels don't want to lose a competition even if it was extremely rare. Heh just an anecdote: apart from my adult life as a Kinsey Scale 0 male, I think there was a small unintended further benefit from those nights as a young cis-male.
I didn't get too involved in the staredown stuff, most of us were getting down to business at a very appropriate distance away from each other in front of the TV.
But, like most of the lads, I did have a bit of a friendly rivalry going with one kid there. He had a very square chin, and a heavy set angled jawline.. as well as curiously symmetrical and high cheekbones.. and striking eyebrows and..... Anyway I perfected this stare strategy, I ended up calling it the AlphaDestroyer as I never lost a staredown with it. Never affected my fapping either.
A few years later in secondary school, I started getting bullied a bit. All I had to do was get close in this wannabe bully's face and hit him with my AlphaDestroyer staredown and it scared him away pronto. I think my T levels were permanently increased after perfecting that during eye contact at fap night. Sounds weird but I also get a strange twitch in my pants when.................................................................................................