No.13769034 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not an econ expert so am hoping to be enlightened here, I'm wondering what's stopping the US, Canada, EU, etc, governments from just giving hugely unfair benefits to companies that find ways operate in environmentally-friendly ways.

I reckon the main problem is if you help them too much, the companies actually good at their service won't prosper. Like Japan in the 1920s when their government supported shitty banks and firms rather than letting them fail which contributed to a financial crisis.

With this in mind, small benefits could be enough to foster competition for environmentally-friendly methods without messing things up, but I'm guessing the two main problems are that it's likely cheaper just to lobby government and that they suffer in competition against international companies such as those from China not bound by environmental constraints.

I don't know how you could solve the first issue, but with the international competition one, could all the NATO, EU, etc governments assist these environmentally-friendly companies that have already proven themselves so that they are on the same level as those Chinese ones which aren't held back by using clean energy?

I feel we could just so massively improve global warming if we somehow managed to set up a system where all those cutthroat companies competed for environmentally-friendly operations like they do for lobbying and other shit.