Getting into Academia/research as post-retirement career

No.13768127 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm in a career in the private sector i'm very interested and enthusiastic about. I work with CS.
However, i'd very much like to get into academia later in my life(when i'm 50, maybe). I don't mean to disrespect all of you folks who have dedicated their life to academic work. I'm sure it would be a long road in which i could take up to 10 years for it to be "succesful"(i wouldn't mind being very low in the ladder for the rest of my life really).
I'm not sure if i'd stay in CS or maybe something else. I've even considered the humanities, to be honest.
Academia fellows, have you met many people who took this path? If so, how do you view their situation and progression? Is there any form of "prejudice" towards older people?
Thank you very much for your help