746KiB, 1280x2276, sasuke_meditating_wallpaper_by_boujiee_deb1mht-fullview.jpg
No.13765394 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13765416 >>13765424 >>13765658 >>13765702 >>13766831
Whats the point of living ?
Whats the point of state and civilization ?
why we shud live ,get education and marry and bring children and work and then fking die ??
why we shud be proud of our race or nation or ancestors if we are going to die anyway ??
different religons have different beliefs which require u to have faith in some imaginary god or some shit without evidence ,materialists say that all that exists is matter ,idealists say all that exist is mind ,yet if u got car crash and all of the sudden u lost ur memories which clearly shows that the physical world is affecting us ,idk anymore
im completely nihilist and depressed at this point Im really thinking that suicide is the only rational thing to do at this point bcuz of how weird this world i was born into and everyone think hes right ,communists believe they are good and fascists are bad and the vice versa ,,islam claim to be the true religon and others are not and while christians wud disagree and say its actually christianty that is true ,philosophers disagree on alot of things even tho they all claim to be 100% rational ,some people believe different human races exist while others dont and they believe in racial equality and gender equality ,idk ,but it seems that theres literally nothing i can know for sure to be true ,except decartes famous quote "i think ,therefore i am"
Im completely solipist at this point and really depressed Plz help me anons ,share with me ur perspectives and opinions
Whats the point of state and civilization ?
why we shud live ,get education and marry and bring children and work and then fking die ??
why we shud be proud of our race or nation or ancestors if we are going to die anyway ??
different religons have different beliefs which require u to have faith in some imaginary god or some shit without evidence ,materialists say that all that exists is matter ,idealists say all that exist is mind ,yet if u got car crash and all of the sudden u lost ur memories which clearly shows that the physical world is affecting us ,idk anymore
im completely nihilist and depressed at this point Im really thinking that suicide is the only rational thing to do at this point bcuz of how weird this world i was born into and everyone think hes right ,communists believe they are good and fascists are bad and the vice versa ,,islam claim to be the true religon and others are not and while christians wud disagree and say its actually christianty that is true ,philosophers disagree on alot of things even tho they all claim to be 100% rational ,some people believe different human races exist while others dont and they believe in racial equality and gender equality ,idk ,but it seems that theres literally nothing i can know for sure to be true ,except decartes famous quote "i think ,therefore i am"
Im completely solipist at this point and really depressed Plz help me anons ,share with me ur perspectives and opinions