>>13765213When politics doesn't work, and war doesn't work, combative nations turned to memes. As a system, the internet is maximally full of weakness and exposures. Everything relies on consent, even something as trivial as picking cereal requires a symphony of human interaction, not even to make right, just to make possible. There is a major drive for people to be on the internet and so control is never centralized. Lets go Brandon, as an example, is completely uncensorable. I never even seen the video and I knew the context by counting syllables, including knowing it was some retard journalist trying to spin it. The sort of controlling agency, that can facilitate this, would see false positives everywhere. Even human entities, in the form of woke culture or however you want to brand it, can't get their heads around the okay sign. This problem is not currently solvable beyond censorship and censorship is impossible without killing shared expression. So the go to tactic is to flood the internet with bullshit. By obfuscating the problem, it also masks the problem. This leaves a guaranteed channel for information to flow and it autosegregates those who will hear the message.
This is extremely problematic and I will use the Matrix anomaly analogy. The exact person you don't want to wake up is the only person guaranteed to and he awakens to a crowd of his peers.