outsider here

No.13760808 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Every once in a while I see people posting memes and or talking shit about this board.
I came to check it out for myself.
This place is full of obtuse and empty headed nonsense, even more so than most boards.

You think you are enlightened because you attended a class on a subject and can reiterate what you learned verbatim like a parrot?
No, thats not how being intelligent works, You lack the understanding of what you do not understand.

For you it is not, "I neither know nor think I know", it is " I know that I know because someone else who knows told me they know"

Astute, rational, and well informed thinkers have no need to tell everyone how smart they are, in fact, such thinkers readily admit their ignorance and ability to learn any subject in greater depth no matter how many jewish classes they have taken on the subject.

All I see here is a bunch of midwits postulating themselves as the next Issac Newton.

Sad, you should learn to actually think instead.