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How do I get pregnant?
No.13760639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13760695 >>13763226 >>13763259 >>13763481 >>13763689
I've read a story in which a kinda ugly woman succeeded into having a Chad having sex with her. She used the sperm contained in the condom to inseminate herself and get pregnant. Then the cute Chad was forced to marry her and live with her.
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> Realize I can't because I am a man
Is there a /sci/ way I can get pregnant (without turning into a girl / ruining my body)? Will it be feasible before I get old?
> Get inspired
> Realize I can't because I am a man
Is there a /sci/ way I can get pregnant (without turning into a girl / ruining my body)? Will it be feasible before I get old?