No.13759861 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm graduating with a bachelors in Forest Ecology this Fall.
The full degree is technically Natural Resources Conservation with a focus in forest ecology - its basically for forestry, specifically.

I feel like just a bachelors is not enough for this world. If I'm being quite honest. I am almost certain I want to pursue an MS.

I guess my problem is, I'm not sure how limited I am when it comes to grad school. I've heard stories of psychology students going into CS, but shit can't be common.

I my interests mainly revolve around trees, how they function, tree evolution, or maybe just plant biology in general. I guess I just like being outside, I like knowing things about trees and the environment, and to be brutally honest, I want to be seen as a smart person when it comes to things of these sort.

I'm not really sure where to go or what to do from here on out.

Any advice would be appreciated.