>>13757795>>13757820Bruh, the goyim of the world, the whole lot of them, have been subsumed under globohomo-zionist control. All of our countries, from Chink land to the middle east, to Europe to America are now infested with cattle brained soi-goi zogbots. This is it. The Jews and the globalists are closing in. They are literally in the process of developing neural interfaces and integrating information technology with human biology. That will be the K.O. punch.
The chinese, like us are not on some upward trajectory, there place for a short time may be to exceed the US in some capacities, as the descent worsens, but the ultimate agenda for the next 2 decades or so will be to complete subjugate the goyim under global technocratic-zionist control. We are preparing for the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy, as (supoosedly) predicted in the Written and Oral Law of Judaism, and orchestrated by the Rothschild's and the Anglos since at least the 19th century, and probably long before that.