538KiB, 860x1137, 7-71823_confused-anime-girl-transparent-hd-png-download.png
Are humans evolving backwards and becoming dumber? Is intelligence a thing of the past? Think about it...
The most intelligent men are usually nerds and incels, who get no pussy, they're less likely to reproduce and pass on intelligent genes. And dedicate their lives to jobs in science and service with their intelligence as slaves for sex-havers who get everything handed to them. Since females only want Chad, who is strong and physically attractive but typically a low IQ dumbass (much like a caveman) their babies will be less intelligent and more animal-like and fuck hungry. Women are clearly not attracted to intelligence, if they were they wouldn't fuck Chad and instead fuck nerds. But they don't because they only want strong babies, and sacrifice their intelligence in doing so.
Furthermore, the attractive but ditzy and airheaded Stacy will be more likely to reproduce than the smarter but homlier Becky, but Chad can fuck both since he can get more than one female pregnant at once. But he'll still have his favorites. Furthermore, he's strong enough to take women through violence force if necessary and kill her already existing children with another man to make room for his bloodline (as his ape-like nature bids.) The intelligent male children of Beckies will go on to be the incel slaves for the population of Chads and their harems.
TL;DR: Sexual selection is not on intelligence's side and it's safe to assume that the human species will get stupider and more animalistic with each passing generation as we de-evolve back into monkeys.
The most intelligent men are usually nerds and incels, who get no pussy, they're less likely to reproduce and pass on intelligent genes. And dedicate their lives to jobs in science and service with their intelligence as slaves for sex-havers who get everything handed to them. Since females only want Chad, who is strong and physically attractive but typically a low IQ dumbass (much like a caveman) their babies will be less intelligent and more animal-like and fuck hungry. Women are clearly not attracted to intelligence, if they were they wouldn't fuck Chad and instead fuck nerds. But they don't because they only want strong babies, and sacrifice their intelligence in doing so.
Furthermore, the attractive but ditzy and airheaded Stacy will be more likely to reproduce than the smarter but homlier Becky, but Chad can fuck both since he can get more than one female pregnant at once. But he'll still have his favorites. Furthermore, he's strong enough to take women through violence force if necessary and kill her already existing children with another man to make room for his bloodline (as his ape-like nature bids.) The intelligent male children of Beckies will go on to be the incel slaves for the population of Chads and their harems.
TL;DR: Sexual selection is not on intelligence's side and it's safe to assume that the human species will get stupider and more animalistic with each passing generation as we de-evolve back into monkeys.