When does applied math become useful
No.13751933 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13751982 >>13755807
Hey guys, newfag to the math major here halfway through college algebra. I've always been neutral to annoyed at having to take math, but after visiting this board I've started to appreciate it and can't wait to take trig, calc, and linear algebra. The question is, when does math become "useful"? I'm kinda autistic and I've always wanted to "create" things, and since math is such a universal language I'm just wondering when you anons think math, assuming I understand everything I've taken, becomes intuitive enough to actually create projects using mathematics. It seems like even if you go into real analysis or even topology or complex analysis you never "create" anything, you just learn massive proofs or theorems. It seems like calc 3 is when math gets useful. Any anons get me?