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What you want to compare is efficiency which would be energy used / time with respect to distance.
In an hour, the car goes 60 miles, the bike goes 10 miles, the driver consumes 100 kcal, the rider consumes 400 kcal.
The human operator in either case uses food energy, the METS for cycling are about 4. Driving a car is about 1.
A kilocalorie of food is ~4000J (actually, 4168J). The driver uses 100kcal*4000J=400k Joules, the cyclist 4*400 or 1.6M Joules as food.
But, since for every 1 unit food, 9 units fossil energy are required, we can just multiply by 10 to get the all-in cost of the energy to deliver the food for 4M J and 16M J, respectively.
The driver also consumes, for an average efficiency of 30mpg, 2 gallons of gasoline to go 60 miles. The gallon of gas contains 120 million joules. 2 gallons = 240 million joules.
Adding it up, with the metabolic (food) and kinetic (gas) energies for each:
car: 4M, 240M = 244 million joules / 60 miles = 4 million joules / mile
bike: 16M = 16 million joules / 10 miles = 1.6 millon joules / mile
Bike turns out to be more than twice as efficient with these simple metrics. It gets better, maybe much better, based on the quality and type of food consumed and the sources of it, perhaps in the best case, bringing the 1kcal food / 9kcal energy requirement down closer to 1:1.
The car is also much, much more expensive to operate. The infrastructure for the car is likewise fossil fuels intensive and the car's weight and friction wears surfaces faster.
With all the extraneous factors I would guess the energy efficiency of the bike could go up to 15-20x that of a car, but I'm sure you can find better more detailed analyses than this one online OP