No.13748971 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why haven't I been infected with Covid-19 yet? It's getting close to 2 years now. I've been in the mix, going to the gym, university, maskless, etc.

Also, scientifically speaking...why are the mRNA therapy vaccines dangerous? From what I understand the vaccine transfects our normal somatic cells, which just triggers an immune response that fucks up and recognizes the Covid-19 spike protein for future protection. Kind of like how a normal ass nigga virus does his shit.

Additionally, scientifically speaking, given that Coronaviruses mutate frequently, shouldn't we just be at the point where we accept that Covid-19 is just another common cold/flu that we get? I guess if our antibodies recognize the spike protein, we would be resistant; however, wouldn't that mean we're just selecting for mutants that aren't recognized by our immune system?

I'm a senior and I'm majoring in molecular biology...I'm unvaxxed, but many jobs are requiring me to get vaxxed if I want to work there. Not sure if I want to get jabbed and pozzed for life for an experimental vaccine.