Health Benefits of A Mother's Milk vs. A Father's Milk

No.13744793 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The multifaceted significance of a mother's milk in the development of her child is well documented, but there is a staggering lack of information regarding the significance of a father's milk in child development. It seems to be a cultural thing, but breastfeeding is very common these days, whereas cockfeeding is rather uncommon. I can't help but wonder what benefits, nutritional or otherwise, are being left unused here. In a hypothetical scenario where a child nurses on her father's penis and swallows his semen on a regular basis, what benefits might she obtain? For example, how do the nutritional benefits compare between breastmilk and semen? Can a father pass on his antibodies through his semen like a mother does through her breastmilk? Might this nursing facilitate accelerated fine motor development in the mouth and/or hands?