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because we have already compiled every face in the world into one - by nationality, gender for the public
the needs of those images to all be stored somewhere arent that big even as regular images, whatever format. im pretty sure you could fit millions of faces in each .raw file they have saved on government servers (internet facing) of what their telescopes have been taking pictures of... idk stars or something
>you could go further and compress each image of a face using what you would call "reference" of the images combined, to save space and decompress later without loss. but thats unrelated
you dont even need the images stored anyway, as there are plenty of images on the internet
with that anyone with a simple scraper, source list, and cache of the most often used types of faces (people will often just go for "stacy" or "karen" and "incel" or "chad" - each one can also be broken down further, for a smaller amount of images cached based on popularity to have more, smaller, caches for quicker access)
and after that its just smashing all of them together to create the image for less unique/more realistic / using proportions and features for completely unique, even non-existent people. the second is what people call "racist" a lot btw