No.13741083 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a bone to pick with evolution. I'm not sure if we can conclude that humans evolved from animals. All science is cause and effect right? But we can't observed humans evolving from lower life forms. And then we have shit like the big bang which is widely accepted as fact as well. How TF do we know that? Every time I ask this question the people I ask always tell me that it's more likely than any other theory, but I have disregarded God, aliens, and lots of other shit for not being provable. It's like a cult to because even suggesting that it could be wrong attract spurges who want to argue online like flies. I mean, it's funny they act just like the religious zealots of the past, but now instead of a heretic I am branded a science heretic and called stupid and ignored. Why do I have to believe anything anyway? Isn't it enough to just learn how to manipulate the natural world through experimentation? Who cares why something is the way it is, why are humans so stuck on belief anyway? Like, they want to believe something about the natural world so god damn fucking badly that they do and then they hold on so tightly that they are willing to bully, harass, or even kill dissenters. I don't know, what do you guys think, how many of you actually believe in this shit and how many of you are content to just play the game of life?