There are only three (3) rules unique to /sci/ and you mouth breathers can't even follow them.
>1. All science and math related topics welcome.
>2. Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
>3. No "religion vs. science" threads.
Jannies are the ONLY reason this board doesn't immediately devolve into a combination of /b/, /x/, and /pol/. The abuses hurled at jannies really needs to stop. Let's take a moment to thank jannies for their generous service they offer without financial compensation. Thanks!
>1. All science and math related topics welcome.
>2. Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
>3. No "religion vs. science" threads.
Jannies are the ONLY reason this board doesn't immediately devolve into a combination of /b/, /x/, and /pol/. The abuses hurled at jannies really needs to stop. Let's take a moment to thank jannies for their generous service they offer without financial compensation. Thanks!