The standard model is wrong because it requires that neutrinos only have left-helicity. The 2015 Nobel went to people who showed that neutrinos oscillate flavor. By a not too complicated mechanism, flavor oscillation means neutrinos can also have right-helicity. We still use the standard model, however, because it works pretty well and there is not any better model of which one might speak in polite company.
Another thing that makes the standard model 'tarded is that it requires something called lepton universality. This means that electrons, muons, and taus should basically be the same particle except with different masses. However, when one computes the proton radius in the experimental muonic hydrogen system, one gets a much different answer than that which is computed in the experimental electronic hydrogen system, which is just ordinary hydrogen. This result requires lepton non-universality and makes the standard model wrong, but that is nothing new since it was already known to be wrong for a long time by the time the 2015 Nobel was awarded.